(Notice: This noble endeavor ended its spirited run in September of 2021. I’d long wanted to publish a newsletter on something I cared about. Thanks, y’all!)
Welcome to Green Country Monitor by me, G.W. Schulz, an Emmy-winning reporter and writer of 20 years born and raised in Tulsa. I spotted a need in Oklahoma’s nascent but expanding cannabis industry for high-quality policy and business coverage.
I could have said “growing” or “budding” cannabis industry, but I’m burned out on pot puns in Oklahoma. See? I just did one. It’s impossible to avoid them.
Subscribe to Green Country Monitor here. Send email feedback here. Follow Green Country Monitor on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you appreciate my efforts, consider leaving a tip. Go here for more about me and to see my other work.
Or while you’re here, at least enjoy the above photo I took with my Canon Rebel and Tamron 55 mm lens of Tulsa’s legendary Admiral Twin Drive-In theater at sunset.
“You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want. There’s still a lot of good in the world.”
-The Outsiders